Leaders – How to communicate strategies, goals and OKR🎯📢

Show the big strategic picture in your all-staff meeting: 🎡

  1. In the dashboard, you find the active goals right now.

  2. Which goals support your strategic focus areas? Use the filter and explain how each focus area are supported by different goals

  3. When you have completed goals, you find these under the status field. Use filters and take your people on the historical journey. Be a storyteller!

Engage your team in your weekly meeting: 🎉🍭

  1. Go to the dashboard and find the goals which are relevant for your team, by using the filter

  2. Take a look at each of the results for these goals, and discuss how your team can make a small difference

  3. Register a contribution, either you, on behalf of the team, or let team members register their own contributions