dobee AI - use dobee AI to prioritize and describe your most important goals🧠🥰
The customers who are using dobee AI today are only seeing a fraction of what we will create going forward. The digital intelligent bee is not meant to take control over our lives, but to simplify our day-to-day and change the ways we misuse our time ⌛
Some people cling to slow traditions even when the environment demands quick adaptations. We therefore start with the simple things first and hope that everyone can keep up.
There's a lot of buzz about AI, so dobee has not lost focus: With dobee AI, it will:
Be easier to implement the strategies and goals we set for ourselves in our workplaces
Be better use of insights in prioritizing
Be more motivating mobilization towards our goals
Be improved engagement and cross-functional collaboration 🥰👊
Join us! Start by testing our dobee AI function to help you prioritize and describe your most important goals 🤓😍